Sunday 11 December 2011


5 more days until Winter Break everyone! This will be a busy but also fun-filled week, as there are a lot of festivities happening. I've posted the main events happening this week to the left, but notably, is what is happening on Friday. First, on Friday morning there will be a Pancake Breakfast that you should definitely come and check out. Your wonderful teacher (that's right moi :P) will be getting up extra early to come and help make pancakes for you! There will be lots of goodies, plus pictures with Santa, so do get up and come to school earlier. Best of all, it's all free! This happens every year and is always a lot of fun. This year will be no exception!
In class on the last day, and maybe even starting Thursday, depending on how much work we get done, we will watch a Christmas movie in class. Be sure to check out your course websites to vote on which movie you would like to see. I will be polling the class and the movie with the most votes obviously will win! Friday is also an early dismissal day so that we can attend the annual Christmas assembly, which starts at 1:30pm! Have a great week everyone and a very Merry Christmas!!!