Sunday, 22 January 2012

Jan. 23rd - 27th

Congratulations Everyone!

You've made it! Classes for the Gr.10-12's are now finished for the semester and classes for the Gr.8-9's finish on Wednesday. It's hard to believe Semester I is practically over! Exams begin this week for those who have finals. Please study hard and do the best that you can. Please check your course website one last time for any final messages, tips, or reminders!

Please remember to return your textbooks and pick up any marked assignments if you haven't done so already. I'll be in my classroom all week if you need to stop by to ask me any questions. I'll be marking and will have your final marks posted as soon as possible. Please stop by to check them and say Hello at any time :)

I've enjoyed teaching you all these past 4 and a half months. I wish you the very best of luck with your final exams and in your future classes!

Take care,