Saturday, 3 March 2012

March 5-9

As you are well aware, we, the teachers, are withdrawing services for up to 3 days this coming week  beginning Monday March 5th and running likely up to and including Wednesday March 7th. We are doing this to stand up for what we believe is important...a fair negotiated deal that benefits the entire public education system. I will say no more here other than I am sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this no doubt will cause to some of your parents, but hope that everyone recognizes that we are standing up for our students, and the greater good of the public education system in British Columbia!

Classes will resume on Thursday March 8 and be held Friday March 9th before spring break. Please remember to check your course website prior to Thursday to know what we will be doing in class and what assignments/projects are due.

Thank you.I look forward to seeing you back in class on Thursday, if not sooner.

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Well Everyone,

There are only 2 weeks now until Spring Break. You should be well into your courses now with a number of assignments due. Be sure to check your course websites for information/reminders and due dates!

-Have a great week!